Demonstrating its ongoing commitment to support, lead, and foster research and innovation in the country, The Research Council (TRC) of Oman has established a Wave Glider Hub at Innovation Park Muscat (IPM) – the first-of-its-kind in Oman and elsewhere in the region. Designed to serve as a center of excellence …Read more
The Research Council of Oman Establishes Wave Glider Center of Excellence
Liquid Robotics — April 21, 2020
Monitoring Marine Litter in the Mediterranean Sea
Guest Contributor — December 23, 2019
Guest post by Francois Galgani, IFREMER Because of its energy independence, its long-duration persistence and its cost-effective operation, the Wave Glider platform is able to collect and transmit data over distances of thousands of miles across wide geographic areas and specific areas of interest and operation. Many applications have been …Read more
White Paper: Precision Acoustics for Subsea Communications
Liquid Robotics — October 24, 2019
How can you measure seafloor motion with millimeter-scale accuracy through two miles of seawater? The satellite-based GNSS technique used on land doesn’t work in the ocean, so we turn to GNSS-Acoustics. When you combine GNSS and precision acoustics, made possible by advances in sensor technology, the result is incredibly accurate …Read more
Rapid Stand and Crate: The Most Efficient Way to Mobilize
Liquid Robotics — September 25, 2019
Our recent announcement of the newest Wave Glider focused on the advancements to shoreside operations and in-water performance that enable customers to mobilize, deploy and operate fleets of vehicles more efficiently. Included in that announcement was the Rapid Stand and Crate System. Simply put, the Rapid Stand and Crate System …Read more
How Experienced Piloting Helps Achieve Mission Success
Liquid Robotics — July 30, 2019
An experienced Wave Glider pilot can help make the difference in a mission, providing the flexibility to make adjustments as interesting data or challenging conditions arise along the way, and ensuring a successful outcome. Ben Harmon, one of our most experienced Mission Support Specialists, shares what a day as a …Read more
World Oceans Day 2019: Our Big Island Team Dives to Clean Up the Ocean
Liquid Robotics — June 18, 2019
World Oceans Day has become one of the most fun and rewarding days of the year at Liquid Robotics. As an ocean robot maker with roots on the Big Island of Hawai’i, it’s important to us to be a part of this global celebration with hundreds of events around the …Read more